The two essential states of creative capture...
and the different tools that should be used at each point.
- state of mind
- stream of thought
- uninterrupted interplay between characters of the mind
- multi-polar discussion
tool: chaining, threads
- memory stamp
- connections
- ships that are related
- solidifying a thread to transit lines in the mind
- abstraction back into the footprints of an outcome
- stop
tool: mind map
Tool selection depends on the state and purpose.
The mind map is not always the best form of capturing thought.
Perhaps start with a thread (could be visual represented as a lightning shaped +/- polar back-and-forth in order to keep it moving forward or a more mathematical logic statement arrangement), during which an outcome may be deducted, at which point an anchor is needed (could be in the form of a mind mapping exercise) to abstract the experiences and past deductions that led to the current outcome as well as lock the outcome in mind through association.